Tech Burneh CEO and Co-Founder

Tech Burneh was launched by Arthur J. Joyce. This website contains all types of stuff such as digital marketing, blogging, and SEO. The founder himself has very much expertise in digital marketing and influenza marketing and he is no doubt an expert on it. He has worked with several companies and he is now currently working for Tech Burneh news so that he could keep it updated and competing.

Our services

Tech Burneh is one of the very best sites that provide news with many experiences and it provides clients with all types of users. We have a very talented and technical team of marketers, designers, developers, and social media activists so that they could develop new and creative digital operations for their clients.

Our terms and conditions

Tech Burneh holds the authority to check comments on their magazine. They also retain the ability to edit or remove a comment based on audiences’ moral preferences. The Website also makes use of cookies to provide a smooth surfing experience by saving the user’s preferred magazine choices, the user’s last read magazine, etc. Tech Burneh does not allow any type of reproduction or republishing of its content without legal authority or permission from the company

Our Privacy Policies Tech Burneh does not implement a privacy policy on other advertising collaboration sites. Users are also asked to contact a third-party server for their privacy policy for a lot more information. This information includes steps and options. This makes users more aware of third-party practices. Users can choose to disable cookies. If you still have questions, users can contact the website directly with their name, email address, address, and phone number, for the message you want to convey to us, or information you want to provide to the website.